Tektronix Tds5104

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Tektronix Tds5104 is a popular oscilloscope that has been around for a long time. It has been a great instrument for hobbyists, students, and professionals for many years. There are thousands of Tektronix TDS5104 reviews online from people who use this product daily.

However, not all these users are happy with their purchase and we have found many complaints about this product online. Most of these complaints are about the poor customer service provided by Tektronix after buying their products.

If you are looking for a good oscilloscope for your workstation or lab then you should consider buying the Tektronix TDS5104 because it is one of the most affordable instruments on the market right now. However, if you want something that will last longer than just one year then you should look at other alternatives available in the market right now.

Tektronix TDS5104 is a great tool for any electrical engineer or technician. It is a digital oscilloscope that comes with some of the most advanced features in the market. The device has a price range from $1200 to $2000. You can visit Tektronix’s official website to know more about this oscilloscope.

The device has an input voltage of 5V and 12V, which makes it possible to connect it to different types of signals. It comes with two probes, one for DC and another for AC signals. The device can measure frequencies up to 500MHz and has a bandwidth of 1000MHz (1GHz). The maximum sample rate is 1GSa/s.


The Tektronix TDS5104 oscilloscope has several features that make it stand out from other devices in its class:

  • It comes with an analog bandwidth of 62MHz and digital bandwidth of 2500 MHz (2.5 GHz). This means that you can easily connect it to any kind of signal without having any issues related to bandwidth issues. If you are looking for an affordable oscilloscope but still want a wide range of frequency measurements, this might be the right choice for you.
  • A dual-trace display for both analog and digital channels
  • A 16-bit ADC with a 50 MS/s sampling rate for each channel
  • Two 1 GS/s sample rates in the time domain or bandwidth mode, one 2 GS/s sample rate in the frequency domain mode, 1 GS/s in trigger mode
  • Analog bandwidth of 100 MHz at 50 MS/s or 200 MHz at 20 MS/s
  • Digital bandwidth of 100 MHz at 20 MS/s or 200 MHz at 10 MS/s
  • The four channels can be used for different purposes at the same time, e.g. triggering and viewing on two channels while recording on the other two channels. The TDS5104 also features a built-in spectrum analyzer with up to 3GHz bandwidth.